Přijat do azylu: 14.03.2022
Původ: zachráněn z Dnipra na Ukrajině
Váha: 13.5 kg
Podmínky adopce jsou podpis adopční smlouvy a zaplacení adopčního poplatku. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A. Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.
Chewie, pes, kříženec, přibližně 6 a půl roku starý. Je očkovaný, odčervený, ošetřený pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaný a čipovaný. Menší střední velikost, 13 kg.
Chewie je opravdové zlatíčko. Miluje lidi víc než cokoli jiného. Nebylo dospělého ani dítěte, které by Chewie neměl rád. Prostě všechny zbožňuje a mazlení miluje víc než kterýkoli pes, kterého jsme kdy potkali. Nejraději se o člověka otírá celým tělem, aby se s ním mohl co nejvíc mazlit. Chewie se úžasně snáší s dětmi. Dobře vychází i s jinými psy, je čistotný a umí chodit na vodítku. Je vždy šťastný a je to opravdový dobrodruh. Chewie je aktivní, ale umí i odpočívat.
Když k nám Chewie přišel, byla mu diagnostikována OCD, tedy nutkavá porucha chování. V době jídla nebo když se nudí se Chewie občas točí dokolečka a snaží se honit za zadkem. Bylo nám řečeno, že se jeho stav nikdy nezlepší, ale není tomu tak! Chewie je u nás už téměř dva roky a od té doby se hodně změnil! Teď už se točí jen čas od času. Kdykoli má pozornost od lidí nebo si hraje s jiným psem, nemusí nosit svůj límec, protože v takový moment se nikdy netočí dokola.
Chewie by byl skvělým doplňkem k dalšímu psovi do domácnosti. Dobře se snáší s kočkami a je úžasným kamarádem na hraní pro děti. Chewie by úplně v pohodě mohl žít jako venkovní pes v zatepleném kotci, rozhodně není vhodný do bytu, potřebuje bydlet v domě se zahradou.
Dejte nám vědět, jestli nechybí právě vám ❤
Entered shelter: 14.03.2022
Origin: rescued from UA Dnipro
Weight: 13.5 kg
Say hello to Chewie!
Chewie is one of our Ukrainian dogs that came with Lucky and Victory. This little charming man is very cuddly and really wants human attention❤️
We took him today for another check up to vet and as he is healthy he got his first vaccination and his first very own passport🥰🥳
By Thursday next week he will be out of quarantine and ready to go to foster care. He is a great dog, but he comes with a few quirks.
Chewie came with no tail, we have no information about his past, the only thing we know now is that he is aggressively chasing his imaginary tail especially during food time. Our vet thinks it is an impulsive behavior disorder, also known as OCD.
This is the reason why he can´t be with another dog, because whenever he starts to chase his tail the other dogs would attack him for it. So Chewie needs a single foster home.
Apart from his OCD he is a brilliant dog❤️
Just look at this loving eyes, all he wants is human attention❤️
So if anyone would like to foster this guy, please fill out a foster application and send us a message 🙏
The foster application can be found here: https://forms.gle/HN28b4GCJnCbvbiaA
UPDATE: 10. 11. 2022
CHEWIE is looking for his forever home!!
CHEWIE is STILL looking for his forever home!!
Meet Chewie, male, 6.5 years old, mixed breed, smaller medium size 13 kg. He is vaccinated, dewormed, castrated, Advocate treated and microchipped.
Chewie is a true sweetheart.🥰 He loves people more than anything. There wasn’t an adult or child that Chewie didn’t like. He simply adores everyone and he loves cuddles more than any dog we have ever met. He prefers to rub his whole body on the person to get as many cuddles as possible. Chewie is amazing with kids. Chewie is also great with other dogs, he is house trained and he knows the leash. He is always happy and a true adventurer. Chewie is active, but also knows how to relax.💜
When Chewie came to us he was diagnosed with OCD, a compulsive disorder behavior. At food time or when he is bored Chewie sometimes spins in circles trying to chase his butt. We were told that his condition will never improve, but that’s not the case!☝️Chewie is now almost 2 years with us and since then he has changed a lot! Chewie is now only from time to time spinning in circles. Whenever Chewie gets attention or plays with another dog he does not need to wear his cone, because he does not spin in circles.
Chewie would be a wonderful addition to another dog at home. He is good with cats and an amazing play buddy for children. Chewie would be completely fine living as an outside dog, he definitely needs a home with a house and garden.
If you can imagine being the right match for Chewie, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation. Message us on facebook and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A
UPDATE: 20. 12. 2022
Our Christmas miracle🎄🔔 Chewie found a home!!!!🎅🎁
This wonderful and unique dog was with us for two years! In all this time, Chewie has not received a single adoption request. How can that be when this dog is so great with people, loves children, likes cats, gets along with every dog and comes in perfect size… ?🤷♀️
Well, Chewie has OCD. When he gets too excited he starts chasing his butt, so he needs to wear a cone if he is not supervised. Apart from that Chewie is a normal dog, he is sweet, cuddly, healthy, he loves everybody and spreads an amazing energy.❤ Anyone who adopts this dog can consider themselves really lucky and so does Leigh-Ann.
Leigh-Ann adopted with us (still in cooperation with another shelter) before. She gave a home to Barney, a wonderful dog in a wheelchair. He sadly passed away some time ago.🥹 Leigh-Ann contacted us, because she was ready to adopt another “impossible” soul. A dog that doesn’t have an easy time finding a home… Chewie!!!!❤️🩹
… and so his journey began!✨
Chewie travelled first class all the way to the UK with Dan and a co-driver, who constantly gave Chewie cuddles to stay calm and relaxed, as Chewie tends to spin in circles in the car. Chewie loved his journey, no spinning and tons of cuddles.🤗
Chewie is enjoying his new home so much, he has settled in wonderfully and almost never goes around in circles. Chewie even lives inside and sleeps all day on the couch.🤩Leigh-Ann keeps checking her doggy cam and she is saying that Chewie is doing much less of his bum biting and on the rare times he does, her dog Bonnie comes running upt to him and Chewie stops. Whenever Bonnie is with Chewie in the car he doesn’t do it at all!💪
We are so proud of you Chewie, you deserve this!!❤ You finally found your human!! Thank you so much Leigh-Ann for adopting Chewie, now Chance!!🙏
Chewie aka Chance has even his own Instagram page!
Have a wonderful life sweet boy, we love and miss you so much!!🐾