Přijata do azylu: 14.03.2022
Původ: zachráněna z Dnipra na Ukrajině
Váha: 21.2 kg

Podmínky adopce jsou podpis adopční smlouvy a zaplacení adopčního poplatku. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A. Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.

Victory, fenka, kříženka, přibližně 8 let stará. Je očkovaná, odčervená, ošetřená pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaná a čipovaná. Střední velikost, 22 kg.

Victory neměla lehký život. Byla nalezena krátce po začátku války na Ukrajině. Po příjezdu k nám Victory nechtěla jíst ani pít a jen spala. Strávila několik dní na hospitalizaci a my už jsme si opravdu mysleli, že o ni přijdeme, ale uzdravila se. Měla vysoký tlak v očích a trpěla bolestmi. Nakonec jí muselo být jedno oko odstraněno a na druhé oko je slepá. Victory dostála svému jménu, je to bojovnice a zvládá to velmi dobře, i když je teď úplně slepá.

Každý, kdo navštíví Cool Critters, je Victory ohromen. Victory je absolutní zlatíčko, je milá, přítulná, veselá a pohodová. Přestože je slepá, je expertkou na kradení jídla ze stolu. Victory je zvyklá žít v domě, je čistotná. Vodítko zná, ale moc nadšená z něj není.

Victory se skvěle snáší s ostatními psy a je naprosto bezkonfliktní. Byla by úžasným parťákem k dalšímu psovi. S kočkami také vychází v pohodě.

Jelikož je slepá, trvá jí ze začátku chvilku, než si zvykne na nového člověka, ale jakmile vás pozná, nemůžete si ji nezamilovat. Bude si s vámi hrát, tancovat radostí a výt když vás bude vítat. Victory je úžasná fenka, která si užívá každou minutu svého života naplno.

Victory nemůže žít ve městě. Hledá domek se zahradou, kde dostane veškerou lásku a péči, kterou si zaslouží. Rozhodně není vhodná do kotce, musí mít trvalý přístup do domu. Pro Victory hledáme milující a starostlivou rodinu, která jí dopřeje pozornost, péči a kvalitní stravu. Dejte nám vědět, jestli nechybí právě vám ❤


Entered shelter: 14.03.2022
Origin: found in a siege Dnipro UA
Weight: 21.2 kg

14. 3. 2022

Hello everyone 😘
our latest rescues from the Ukraine are settling in well apart from our poor blind baby. Victory is still very lethargic and now on the way to the vet. We will keep you updated an please send her some good vibes 🙏🙏She is such a good and brave girl!!
If you want to help Victory please make a donation ❤️❤️❤️
To our transparent bank account:
Account No.: 2201832152/2010
IBAN: CZ2920100000002201832152
Or on Darujme

15. 3. 2022

Victory puppdate 🐾
Victory was rescued from a siege, transported from Dnipro in Ukraine, then to Poland and then on to us. Victory wouldn’t eat or drink, only sleep and was totally shut down.
We took her to the vet where they took blood for a complete blood panel. She was hospitalized at the vet for fluids and as soon as we have any news we will let you know. Victory is old, her poor body is weak. We are going to visit her today and hope that she will feel much better 🙏
Victory came so far and we will do everything in our power to save this girl 💪❤️

20. 3. 2022

Victory puppdate🐾
Two days ago Victory was still not eating and feeling really awful, so we actually started to prepare for the worst… but then the vet contacted us “I have good news about Victory. The x-ray was quite good – no signs of dirofilaria on the heart – and she started to eat” 🥳🥳🥰🤗
We are so incredibly happy about this great news, because now it looks like that she does not have heartworms as initially suspected! Our vet will still keep her in the clinic for observation to make sure she is recovering properly🧐
Thanks to everyone who is supporting Victory, she really seems to live up to her name ❤️❤️

26. 3. 2022

Victory puppdate !!
This week Victory visited MVDr. Jiří Beránek, who is regarded as the top opthalmic vet in Czech Republic. One eye is totally blind and the other has very high pressure which is very painful for this old lady. Three eye drops were prescribed and she will have another check in two weeks.
Meanwhile, she continues to eat well, especially enjoying her dried meat treats and today she enjoyed some sunshine 🥰☀️🥰 ☀️

7. 4. 2022

Victory puppdate !!
Yesterday we were with Victory at the check up for her eyes and also she has improved incredibly❤️ At the last measurement her eye pressure was 67 and has now decreased to 31. That number is still high but the improvement is just amazing and we are working on reducing the eye pressure further💪 It’s just nice to see Victory getting healthier and happier every day🥰

UPDATE: 10. 11. 2022

VICTORY is looking for her forever home or permanent foster!!

Meet Victory, female, around 8 years old, mixed breed, medium size 22 kg. She is vaccinated, dewormed, castrated, Advocate treated and microchipped.
Victory has not had an easy life. She was found in a siege in Ukraine. On arrival Victory wouldn’t eat or drink and just slept. She spent days in hospitalisation and we really thought we would lose her, but she recovered. She had really high eye pressure and she was in pain. In the end one eye needed to be removed and on the other eye she is blind. Victory lives up to her name, she is a fighter and she manages very well although she is now completely blind.
Everyone who visits Cool Critters is impressed by Victory🥰 Victory is an absolute sweetheart, she is kind, cuddly and a truly happy and funny dog. Even though she is blind, she is an expert in stealing human food from the table😂 Victory is used to live inside a house, so she is house trained. She knows the leash, but doesn´t really like it very much.
Victory is great with other dogs and absolutely conflict-free. She would be an amazing addition to another dog🐾 Victory is also kind to cats.
As she is blind it takes her at the beginning a little while to get used to a new person, but once she knows you you can’t help but to fall in love with her🥰 She will play with you, she will do little dances and she will nicely howl a concert of joy for you. Victory is an amazing dog who enjoys every minute of her life to the fullest❤
Victory cannot live in the city. She is looking for a house with garden, where she gets all the love and care she deserves. Victory cannot be kept as an outside dog, she must have access to the house.
If you can imagine being the right match for Victory, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation unless she goes to a home as a permanent foster, then no fee needs to be paid and we will cover all her medical expenses.
Please message us on facebook and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A