Přijata do azylu: 12.10.2024
Původ: převzata od majitele
Váha: 7 kg

❤ Bibi hledá domov ❤

Podmínky adopce jsou podpis adopční smlouvy a zaplacení adopčního poplatku ve výši 3 900 Kč. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A . Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.

Bibi, fenka, kříženka, 5 a půl roku stará. Je očkovaná, odčervená, ošetřená pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaná a čipovaná. Malá velikost, 6.5 kg.

Bibi je velmi přítulná a přátelská fenečka. Naprosto zbožňuje lidi a je milá i k dětem, i když ji nedoporučujeme k úplně malým dětem, spíše starším které vědí jak se ke psům chovat. Kvůli starému zranění Bibi kulhá na pravou přední packu. V podstatě má srostlé rameno a nedá se to nijak napravit, ale to Bibi nebrání v tom, aby si užívala života. Je aktivní, užívá si procházky a ráda se honí za svým oblíbeným míčkem. Doma umí odpočívat a ráda se tulí ke svému oblíbenému člověku. Se svým člověkem by nejraději byla neustále, ale dokáže zůstat i sama doma.

Bibi se skvěle snáší s kočkami, ale nemá moc ráda ostatní psy, ale poslechne, když jí někdo napomene. Teď už je ve fázi, kdy je schopná ostatní psy na procházkách ignorovat. Bibi se ale dokáže skamarádit i s jiným psem, kamarády si vybírá, ale jakmile si nějakého psa oblíbí, je docela milá. Přesto ji doporučujeme jako jediného psa v domácnosti, protože si užívá hodně pozornosti a dává přednost kočkám.

Bibi je čistotná, umí chodit na vodítku a v pohodě zvládá i centrum Prahy. Bibi je opravdový myšilov a ráda loví myši a dokonce i potkany, takže ve městě nemůže být bez vodítka.

Bibi se nachází v Praze v dočasné péči a je možné ji tam navštívit.

Pokud si myslíte, že je pro vás Bibi ta pravá, neváhejte nás kontaktovat!


Entered shelter: 12.10.2024
Origin: owner surrender
Weight: 7 kg

What happens when the universe drops the very same animal you thought was in that forever home right back in your world? 💔
The biggest fear for those working with animals, those who do the caring, feeding, treating and socializing, is that the standard of care the pets will receive in the future will not equal the care they have been receiving from the rescuer. When it comes to finding a new home for any pet, rehoming is a tough road to travel!
Peach was returned to our shelter.🐶
A little over two years ago she found a family and we thought it was a great home… but boy, were we wrong!!
Long story short, Peach lived in a multigenerational house, where she apparently didn’t get along with the toddlers. The owner’s sister forced her to give Peach away. Sometimes, giving up a pet is a better option than keeping them in an environment they’re not welcomed or well taken care of.
We are still shocked that Peach was brought back when it was bitterly cold outside.❄️ Peach is so tiny, she has only 7kg and is afraid of bigger dogs. The owners fed her the cheapest Propesko food and didn’t even take her to the vet for her vaccinations.🤬 She is also terribly limping, although Peach was adopted with a shoulder problem and already limping before, but now she often holds her foot up. Peach is in pain and she will asap see an orthopaedic specialist.🙏
We’ve been going through an emotional rollercoaster of being angry, disappointed and feeling guilty, but we are also happy that Peach is back with us. Now she will get the care she needs. Peach didn’t deserve this home, no dog does!!☝️
Peach is lucky that she is a small dog who behaves well and loves people, so we already found a foster home for this tiny pup!🥰🙏

BIBI is looking for her forever home!!

Meet BIBI, female, around 5.5 years old, mixed breed, small size 6.5 kg. She is vaccinated, dewormed, anti-parasite treated, microchipped and castrated.

Bibi is a super cuddly and friendly little dog.❤️ She absolutely adores people and is also sweet with kids, although we don’t recommend her to small children at home. 🥰 Due to an old injury Bibi is limping on her right front leg. She basically has a fused shoulder and there is nothing a vet can do about it, but that doesn’t stop Bibi from enjoying her life. She is active, enjoys her walks and loves to chase her favourite little ball. Inside Bibi knows how to relax and she loves to cuddle up to her favourite human. Bibi wants to be with her human all the time, but she can also stay alone at home.

Bibi is great with cats, but doesn’t like other dogs so much, but she listens when being told off and now she’s at a point where she is able to ignore other dogs on her walks. Bibi can be friends with another dog though, she choses her friends, but once she likes a dog she’s quite sweet. We still recommend her as an only dog at home as she enjoys a lot of attention and prefers cats.🐾

Bibi is house trained, knows the leash and manages the city center of Prague well.❤️ Bibi is a real mouser and loves to hunt for mice and even rats, so she can’t be off leash in the city.
Bibi is in Prague in foster care and can be visited there.

If you can imagine being the right match for Bibi, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation.

Please message us on facebook or send us an email which will highlight your interest and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A