Přijata do azylu: 27.8.2022
Původ: nalezena na Slovensku
Váha: 8.5 kg

Dotty je teprve štěňátko. Má defekt komorového septa, jinak známý jako díra v srdci. Malá vada může zůstat léta nepovšimnuta, ale Dotty má bohužel velkou vadu, se kterou už se narodila.
Jsou jen tři možnosti, jak jí pomoci. První možností je operace – kterou podle názoru našeho kardiologa může provést pouze jeden chirurg v Evropě. Tento chirurg je v Miláně v Itálii a ani u něj není zaručeno, že Dotty vyléčí. Náklady na takovou léčbu by se vyšplhaly na tisíce eur. Druhá možnost jsou léky, které jí pomohou žít co nejnormálnější život, dokud nenastane její čas. Třetí možností je bohužel už jen eutanazie.
Proto jsme se rozhodli nechat Dotty prožít co nejlepší štěněcí život v lásce a pohodlí v dočasné péči.

Dotty se nachází v dočasné péči v Praze, kde se jí dostává pozornosti, lásky a obětavé péče.


Entered shelter: 27.8.2022
Origin: found in Slovakia
Weight: 8.5 kg

People often want to adopt a puppy to be sure the dog is healthy and has a long life ahead of it… unfortunately, that’s not always the case 😢 Meet Dotty 🖤
Little Dotty came to us seven weeks ago and we were concerned as she had bald patches on her face and head. A visit to our dermatologist confirmed that she had Dermodex, luckily the Bravecto we applied on her arrival was enough to sort it out.
Whilst at the vet they noticed she had a severe heart murmur😱
Another vet visit was made to our cardiologist who confirmed that Dotty had Ventricular septal defect (VSD) commonly known as a hole in her heart! A small defect can go unnoticed for years, unfortunately Dotty has a large defect and it is congenital, meaning she was born this way!
So what to do now…??
We quickly realized we only have three choices. Surgery – which in our cardiologists opinion can only be performed by one surgeon in Europe. This vet is in Milan, Italy and it’s not even guaranteed to cure Dotty. Medication to help her live as normal a life as possible until it is her time. Or euthanasia 😭😨
The last option isn’t even an option at this time. Dotty isn’t even six months old, despite her problem she is a happy puppy who just needs to stay calm whenever it’s possible.
Surgery is beyond our financial capability. We couldn’t even raise money to cover Tina’s in comparison “small” vet bill and Dotty’s bill would be 1000’s of Euros!!😶‍🌫️
So for now we have decided to let Dotty live her best puppy life in the love and comfort in a foster home. Tomorrow we’re taking Dotty to Prague, where her foster mom is already longingly waiting for her ❤️ We will give you updates about how she is doing.
Dotty is a sweet little loving soul and we believe that not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing 🖤