Přijata do azylu: 2.4.2022
Původ: nalezena na poli v Mladé Boleslavi
Váha: 3.2 kg
Entered shelter: 2.4.2022
Origin: found on a field in Mlada Boleslav
Weight: 3.2 kg
Last week was hard on our hearts. We sadly lost two of our kitties 💔
Alysa passed away peacefully on Monday in her sleep 😢 We don’t know exactly how old she was but her journey to us was from Kiev, at the beginning of the war in Ukraine. When she arrived she was thin so we decided to put some weight on her before she would be adopted. We started to notice she wasn’t well and experience told us it could lymphoma of the intestines. Two years ago it was confirmed. About a year later, we discovered she had hyperthyroidism as well 😢
Alysa had to take tablets daily, which she would refuse if they were not hidden in something she craved that day. Her favorite at first was baked potato, she was then known as potato cat, for real! Then there was real English cheddar cheese and Easypill sometimes worked.
At first she hated to be brushed, but she had to be, she was long haired. Many days of starting with the head working slowly until she told you no. It took time and patience but she soon liked it.
Alysa could be spicy when she didn’t want you do something, like brushing, cutting claws, pills etc. She is the only cat that had a muzzle at the vet 🙈
Alysa liked sleeping either on you or under the covers as close as she could be. She never meowed, only made little chirping noises and was the sweetest companion. She is truly missed 💔