Přijata do azylu: 02.04. 2023
Původ: zachráněna z Rumunska
Váha: 19 kg

❤ Indie hledá DOČASNOU PÉČI ❤

Hledáme dočasnou péči pro naši báječnou Indie, která potřebuje rehabilitaci po operaci nohy.

Indie miluje každého! Je úžasná k lidem, miluje děti, nevadí jí kočky, je hodná na jiné psy. Na oplátku za vaši pomoc vám dá moře lásky.

Je čistotná a umí chodit na vodítku.

Co Indie potřebuje?
Potřebuje dlouhodobou dočasnou péči. Jsme otevřeni i žádostem o dočasnou péči s výhledem na adopci! Indie potřebuje někoho, kdo jí několikrát denně protáhne prsty, zkontroluje jizvu a vymění obvazy. Indie potřebuje někoho, kdo se dokáže přizpůsobit změnám v procesu rehabilitace, protože v budoucnu bude možná potřebovat i aquaterapii.

Jaké jsou POŽADAVKY na dočasný domov?
Žádné schody. V současné době by měla Indie chodit na procházky co nejméně. Ideální by bylo, kdyby měla v dočasné péči k dispozici zahradu, dvůr nebo blízký park. V případě potřeby by dočasná rodina měla být schopná Indie vzít k veterináři nebo na rehabilitaci. Vlastní auto by bylo velkou výhodou.

Náš azyl samozřejmě uhradí veškeré náklady na léčbu a rehabilitaci.

Pokud máte možnost a chcete nabídnout Indie dočasný domov, napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte formulář dočasné péče, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/hL1TANLxfuYbSpjP6.


Entered shelter: 02.04. 2023
Origin: rescued from Romania from a chain
Weight: 19 kg

Our wonderful Indie is looking for a foster!🙏

We are looking for a foster who can help Indie rehab after her leg surgery.❤️‍🩹
Indie is simply loves everyone! She is amazing with people, she loves kids, she is ok with cats, she is good with other dogs… this dog will give you so much love in return for your help.🥰🐶
She keeps her kennel clean and knows the leash.

What does Indie NEED?🤔
She needs a long term foster. We are also open for foster applications with the view to adopt! Indie needs someone who can flex her toes several times a day, check on her scar and change the bandages. Indie needs someone who can adapt to the changes of the rehabilitation process, because she might need hydro therapy in the future.

What are the REQUIREMENTS?🤔
No stairs, currently Indie should go for walks as little as possible. It would be ideal if the foster had a garden, a courtyard or a park nearby. Whenever necessary, the foster should take Indie to the vet or subsequently to the rehabilitation center. If someone has a car, that would certainly be a great advantage.
Cool Critters will of course cover all the costs.🤝
If you can foster Indie please fill out a foster application and message us.👇👇


UPDATE: 28. 12. 2023

Indie had a few small setbacks since her surgery 😢 Firstly the cast rubbed her elbow and caused a sore that has taken some time to heal. We are happy to report that it’s looking really good now 🙂
Then she was able to lick her stitches 😞 Totally our mistake as we forgot to put a cone on her for the journey home from the vet , which took three hours🙈 Cleaning and redressing every day sorted it out and it totally healed and we thought everything was good 🙏
Then one day just before Christmas her leg swelled, straight to the vet for control. Indie had developed a pustule 😭 Daily flushing, cleaning, creaming and bandaging and now it’s much better 🙏
Yesterday Indie went for control and x-ray and then she went to foster care with the amazing Mansi 😍 It’s strange here without Indie but we know that Mansi will take good care of her and we will keep you updated on her progress 🙂