Přijata do azylu: 05.01.2024
Původ: z Ománu
Váha: 16 kg

❤ Casey hledá domov ❤

Podmínky adopce jsou podpis adopční smlouvy a zaplacení adopčního poplatku ve výši 3 900 Kč. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A . Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.

Casey, fenka, kříženka, přibližně 2 a půl roku stará. Je očkovaná, odčervená, ošetřená pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaná a čipovaná. Střední velikost, 16 kg.

Casey byla zachráněna z Ománu, kde v minulosti prošla několika dočasnými rodinami, aby se nedostala na ulici a byla v bezpečí. Pouliční psi v Ománu jsou vystaveni riziku zastřelení nebo otrávení. Casey k nám dovezla soukromá záchranná stanice. K překvapení všech jí netrvalo dlouho, než se u nás zabydlela a sžila s námi. Nyní už je připravena najít si ten pravý domov!

Je to chytrá a věrná fenečka. Chvíli jí trvá, než začne někomu novému důvěřovat, ale cizí lidi přijímá poměrně rychle. Má ráda lidi, kteří jsou laskaví, dávají jí pamlsky a hladí ji na bříšku. Momentálně dává přednost ženám před muži. Teprve si zvyká na děti, které navštěvují náš azyl, takže si myslíme, že příliš malé děti by pro ni v tuto chvíli nebyly vhodné k soužití.

Zatím se vše teprve učí, ale je neuvěřitelně chytrá a učí se velmi rychle. Casey je spokojená s pobytem uvnitř, miluje gauč a postel a až na pár nehod je již čistotná a chůze na vodítku jí jde moc pěkně. Casey ráda běhá, ale je to také náruživý povaleč a umí odpočívat. Myslíme si, že nejlíp by se jí žilo na okraji města nebo na venkově.

Casey se skvěle snáší s ostatními psy a nevadí jí ani kočky. Před adopcí nabízíme dočasnou péči na zkoušku.

Pro Casey hledáme milující a starostlivou rodinu, která jí dopřeje pozornost, péči a kvalitní stravu. Dejte nám vědět, jestli nechybí právě vám ❤


Entered shelter: 05.01.2024
Origin: from Oman
Weight: 16 kg

Welcome our two new rescues from Oman,
In 2023 we started some new international cooperations in order to be able to help a few cats and dogs from abroad. We are continuing to do so in 2024 and this time a wonderful collaboration of the rescuing ladies Marion Keller, Sudeshna TJ and Varsha Karnik made it possible for two dogs to travel all the way from Oman to the Czech Republic!✈️🐾
Qila is a very sweet and friendly dog. She made herself right at home and she is loving her big new dog bed. We believe that she will quickly find a new family, because she is very cuddly and people oriented.🐕‍🦺
Casey is a wonderful soul, but you can see in her eyes that she hasn’t experienced much good in life.😥 She rather hides and makes herself invisible before causing any troubles. Casey is still quite shy and it will probably take her some time to come out of her shell. Well, good news Casey, you finally reached a place of refuge, free from all the dangers in the world.🐕
The only thing Qila and Casey don’t enjoy so much at our place is the cold weather.❄️Coming from a warm country like Oman the current temperatures are quite shocking.🥶 We have made space for them in a room with a log fire to help them acclimatise slowly.🥰 Because of the temperature they can only go out to do their business for now. This has the benefit of leash training as Casey has never been on a leash before. She’s a fast learner and a smart girl.🙏
Qila already has two families who would like to come and meet her and she even has people who offered to foster her.❤ Casey isn’t so lucky yet, but unless there is a really experienced foster coming along, it will be much better for her to stay and decompress for a little while at our place.❤️‍🩹
Stay tuned for more news from our doggies from Oman!

1. 3. 2024

CASEY is looking for her forever home!!

Meet Casey, female, 2.5 years old, mixed breed 16 kg. She is vaccinated, dewormed, anti-parasite treated, microchipped and castrated.
Casey is a rescue from Oman who travelled in the past through foster homes to keep her off the street and safe. Street dogs in Oman are exposed to risks of being shot or poisoned. A private rescue brought Casey to us. To everyone’s surprise it did not take her long to settle in and get comfortable with us. Now Casey is ready for her forever home!
Casey is a very smart and loyal dog.❤️ It takes her some time to trust someone new, but she accepts strangers quite quickly. She likes people who are gentle, give her treats and belly rubs. Right now she prefers women over men.🤗 Casey is still getting used to the kids who are visiting our sanctuary, so we think too young kids would not be a good fit for her at this moment.
Casey is in the process of learning everything, but she is so incredibly smart and learns very fast. Casey is comfortable with being inside, she loves the couch and the bed and apart from a few accidents she is already house trained and a natural talent on the leash. Casey loves to run, but she is also a real couch potato and knows how to relax inside. We think that Casey could do well on the outskirts of a city or on the countryside.
Casey is great with other dogs and she is ok with cats.🐾 We definitely offer foster care before adopting.
If you can imagine being the right match for Casey, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation.
Please message us on facebook or send us an email which will highlight your interest and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A