Přijat do azylu: 6.6.2024
Původ: nalezen v Mladé Boleslavi
Váha: 2.5 kg


Entered shelter: 6.6.2024
Origin: found in Mlada Boleslav
Weight: 2.5 kg

Chester has been with us for a week and has really needed some TLC.
A kind lady in Bradlec found him and took him to our vet. He was in a disastrous condition, totally dehydrated and extremely thin 😢
He tested positive for FeLV (Feline leukemia virus) so the lady couldn’t take him home as she has her own cats. Our vet suggested that she asked us to take him.
Not only does this poor boy have FeLV but he tested positive for Panleukopenia and Giardia as well 😭 We are curing the Giardia with Panacur and also treating him with Canglob for the panleukopenia. His diarrhoea has been solved and he’s eating well. If we can overcome these problems it will just be a problem that he has FeLV, which we can’t cure but we can support his immune system.
These two photos were taken a week apart and we can already see an improvement 😻
Chester has a long road ahead of him and we would be grateful for some healing thoughts heading his way ❤️