Původ: Přijat od majitele

Bundás, pes, kříženec, přibližně 10 let starý. Je očkovaný, odčervený, kastrovaný a čipovaný. Menší střední velikost, 10 kg. Málo až středně aktivní.

Chudák Bundás strávil většinu svého života opuštěný na řetězu na zahradě. Jeho předchozí majitelé ho chtěli utratit, ale jedna dívka ho zachránila a přivezla ho k nám do Kadlína. Bundas byl už dokonce adoptován, ale rušný život ve městě s tolika nepřátelskými psy bez vodítka a jejich dotěrnými majiteli pro něj není to pravé, takže nyní hledá nový domov a další životní šanci!

Někdo by řekl, že už je to starý pes, ale Bundás s tím rozhodně nesouhlasí. Na svůj věk je stále velmi fit a plný energie, miluje procházky a rád si hraje s hračkami. Jeho oblíbenou hrou je přetahování o provaz.

Bundás hezky chodí na vodítku a zvládá základní povely. Je čistotný a zvyklý žít v bytě. Doma nic neničí a dokáže zůstat i sám. Je to málo až středně aktivní pes, který si užije několik krátkých procházek denně a dokáže se docela dobře zabavit. Pokud mu dáte hračku nebo kost, vydrží mnoho hodin, aniž by potřeboval pozornost.

Bundás má velmi rád lidi, ale potřebuje čas, aby vám začal důvěřovat, než ho například zvednete. Dá vám najevo, když se mu něco nelíbí, a pokud to nebudete respektovat, mohl by kousnout, proto hledáme člověka, který bude rozumět řeči psího těla a hranicím. Bundás není vhodný k dětem.

K našemu překvapení rád chodí k psímu kadeřníkovi, takže si myslíme, že ho těší vypadat pěkně. Celkově je Bundás pozitivní, veselý a velmi zvědavý. Rád prozkoumává nová místa. Jakmile vás pozná a začne vám důvěřovat, bude si říkat o drbání na bříšku a rád se tulí v posteli.

Nemá moc v lásce ostatní psy. Pokud je druhý pes klidný a hlavně si ho nevšímá, je většinou v pohodě, ale pokud je druhý pes příliš nadšený nebo nerespektuje jeho osobní prostor, může se ohnat nebo kousnout. Určitě je potřeba, aby byl v novém domově psím jedináčkem. S kočkami vychází v pohodě.

Nachází se v Praze v dočasné péči a je možné ho navštívit tam nebo se domluvit na návštěvě u nás v azylu v Kadlíně.


Origin: owner surrender

Meet Bundás ❤
At the end of November, a call for help was made on one of the Prague doggie groups for a dog in Slovakia that had been taken to the vet for euthanasia. The dog was healthy and his only ‘crime’ was, his owner had a new puppy and didn’t want him anymore.
We sprang into action, trying to get him to us. Not an easy task in the current situation. After a week of making plans, plans being thwarted and making more plans, (I think we were on plan F by this time!), Bundás finally arrived.


He has been for a health check and apart from being overweight, he weighs in at just over 12kg, he is very healthy. He was fed bread and kitchen scraps and now he will enjoy good healthy food.
Bundás spent his entire life in the garden. He isn’t house trained, he chases and barks at cats and he chews the end of his tail through stress.
Bundás loves belly rubs, he had a lovely bath and he will soon start to enjoy the life he should of had, as a pampered pet ❤

UPDATE: 19. 11. 2022

BUNDAS is looking for his forever home!!

Meet Bundas, male, 10 years old, mixed breed, small size 10 kg. He is vaccinated, dewormed, castrated and microchipped. Low to medium active.

This poor dog has spent most of his life left to himself on a chain in a garden. His previous owners wanted to euthanize him, but a girl rescued him and brought Bundas to us to Kadlin. Bundas has even been adopted in the meantime, but the turbulent city life with so many overfriendly off leash dogs and their pushy owners is not right for him, so he is now looking for a new home and another chance in life! 🥰
Some people would say that he is already an old dog, but Bundas certainly does not agree with that. Bundas is still very fit and energetic for his age, he loves walks and he likes to play with toys. His favourite game is tug of war.

Bundas walks well on the leash and he listens to basic commands. He is house trained and used to live in an apartment. Bundas does not destroy anything at home and he can also stay alone. Bundas is low to medium active who enjoys a few short walks a day and he can entertain himself pretty well. If you give him a toy or a bone he goes many hours without needing attention.
Bundas likes people a lot, but he needs time to trust you before you can for example pick him up. He shows you if he does not like something and if you are not going to respect that, then he could bite, so we are looking for a dog person who will understand a dog’s body language and boundaries. Bundas is not suitable for children. To our surprise he likes to go to the groomer, so we think that he enjoys looking handsome.

Overall Bundas is positive, joyful and very curious. 🥰 He loves to explore new places. Once Bundas knows you he will ask for belly rubs and he likes to snuggle together in the bed❤
Bundas is not a big fan of other dogs. If the other dog is calm and mainly ignores him, then he is usually fine, but if the other dog is too enthusiastic or does not respect his personal space, then he could snap or bite. Bundas is happy to be the only dog at home. Bundas is ok with cats.
Bundas is in Prague in foster care and can be visited there or we can arrange a visit in Kadlin.

If you can imagine being the right match for Bundas, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation. Message us on facebook and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A