Přijat do azylu: 26.7.2023
Původ: nalezen poblíž Kauflandu v Mělníce
Váha: 4 kg


Entered shelter: 26.7.2023
Origin: found near Kaufland in Melnik
Weight: 4 kg


Wednesday our vet called us to ask if we would take a kitty with an injury that needed to be cared for and healed. They also advised us that he might need an amputation and to see our orthopedic specialist. Of course we said yes as some of our kitties had just gone to foster care and for one day only … we had a space.🙏
Nothing could have prepared us for what we would see.😭
We took photos for our records, but we will not publish them, they are far too sensitive. Just believe us, the wound was horrendous!😿
Thursday we visited the orthopedic surgeon, Friday morning Matysek had his front leg and shoulder blade amputated.
Matysek had a home, the people moved and abandoned him.😡 The neighbours fed him and they were the ones who took him to the vet. They thought he was beyond saving and thought the kindest thing to do was euthanise him. Our vets had another idea and they called us. 🙏💜
Matysek is the most gentle cat soul, sweet and full of love. He is healing nicely and starting his recuperation here. Is there an angel out there who would give Matysek a temporary place to recover fully? Someone who has at least the next six months to spend with this angel of a cat? Someone with no other cats? Because Matysek’s bad luck didn’t stop here.😢 He was also found to be FIV positive.😢


😻 Matysek update 😻
Matysek is recovering really well.🙏 He is such a gentle and amazing cat, we are simply blown away by his wonderful personality! We have never seen such a tender and loving cat with children.💜
We are so eternally grateful to everyone who donated towards Matysek’s vet bill. We can’t do what we do without you!🙏
🫶Matysek says thank you and sends everyone lots of love!🫶