Přijata do azylu: 17.8.2021
Původ: nalezena v kůlně v okolí Kadlína
Váha: 3 kg
Entered shelter: 17.8.2021
Origin: found in a shed in the surrounding of Kadlin
Weight: 3 kg
8. 6. 2024
It’s with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of our old grandma grumpy cat Opal 😢
Opal came to us when we were helping catch cats from Mlada Boleslav cemetery back in 2021. Opal was a feral kitty and she should have gone to live the rest her days on a farm. She really did not like humans but, Opal didn’t have any teeth so it was impossible to release her.
We put out a call for a foster, someone who would give Opal a place to be safe, and someone who didn’t mind a roommate that would probably never make a connection. Along came the amazing Erin 🥰 For almost two years, Opal and Erin were flatmates . They had their routine and Opal enjoyed sitting in the window watching birds, hiding when Erin came home. Opal used to come out when Erin was watching YouTube and would silently sit a few metres away from Erin. They never formed the bond that most people do with their kitties but a bond was formed nevertheless. Thank you Erin for your big heart and taking care of Opal for almost two years. You are a truly wonderful person ❤️
Last weekend Opals kidneys failed and she was hospitalised at the vet. This was extremely stressful for Opal and after extensive tests we decided that the kindest way was for Opal to go peacefully 😢 RIP Opal 😢