Přijata do azylu: 16.4.2022
Původ: Kyjev
Váha: 12.6 kg

❤ Minnie hledá domov nebo dočasnou péči ❤

Minnie, fenka, kříženka, přibližně 12 let stará. Je očkovaná, odčervená, ošetřená pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaná a čipovaná. Střední velikost, 15 kg.
Minnie se nikdy v životě neměla dobře, má za sebou opravdu špatnou minulost. Byla zachráněna z příšerného útulku na Ukrajině, kde vedoucí vybírala dary a zároveň nechávala svoje psy umírat hlady. Minnie zachránila jedna paní a převezla ji do svého útulku na Ukrajině. Když začala válka, podařilo se z tohoto útulku všechny psy evakuovat, a tak se Minnie dostala k nám. Když přišla, byla jen kost a kůže, doslova chodící kostra.

Zpočátku jsme ji pomaličku vykrmovali, krmili jsme ji z ruky a zajistili jí veškerou potřebnou veterinární péči. A tak Minnie konečně zažila pohodlí a pocit plného bříška. Snídaně a večeře a dobrůtky mezitím jsou pro Minnie tou největší životní radostí.

Minnie je naprosto nekonfliktní fenečka. S ostatními psy je v pohodě, s kočkami se snáší dobře, vychází s každým zvířetem. Je to laskavá a krásná duše, která by neublížila ani mouše.

Pokud jde o lidi, Minnie zažila jen to nejhorší. Nezná lásku ani mazlení, přikrčí se, jakmile se ji pokusíte pohladit po hlavě, ale když pro ni máte jídlo, tak je nadšená.

Minnie je čistotná, ale jak stárne, mívá občas nehody. Minnie hledá domov s přístupem na zahradu, stačí jí i malinká zahrádka. Minnie toho moc nepotřebuje, chce jen klidné místo, pohodlný pelíšek a jídlo. Kvůli dlouholeté podvýživě a špatné péči už Minnie nemá nejlepší nohy a nemůže chodit na procházky ani chodit do schodů.

Hledáme laskavé lidi, kteří by Minnie poskytli první domov v jejím životě, aby mohla poslední měsíce nebo roky svého života strávit v klidu a milována.

V případě adopce nebo dočasné péče náš azyl bude i nadále hradit veškeré výdaje za veterinu!

Podmínkou adopce je podepsání adopční smlouvy. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A. Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.


Entered shelter: 16.4.2022
Origin: Kiev
Weight: 12.6 kg

Meet Minnie🐶🐾
Minnie has never had it good in her life, she has had a really bad past, in December she was rescued from a terribly awful shelter in Ukraine, where a woman collected donations and at the same time let the dogs inside starve to death. Minnie was rescued by Юлія Трусанова (Julia) and brought to her shelter in Ukraine. When the war started she managed to evacuate all her dogs and so Minnie found her way to us.
When she came she was just skin and bones, she was literally a walking skeleton. Luck was not on her side when she was attacked and bitten by a dog on the second day. The day Jaq rushed her to the vet was the day when she collected Julia at the train station, who cried with joy seeing her “wolf” in Jaq´s car.
We took really good care of Minnie, checked blood for cancer or other nasties, gave her a quiet space in our kitchen and fed her every two hours to she gains weight. After five weeks with us this “Minnie”-wolf has gained 2.2 kilos❤️👏👏
She still needs to gain some kilos, but we believe she is now ready and strong enough to into a foster home. Anyone who would like to provide a non-conflict, absolute sweetheart, house trained, non barking, no troubles at all dog with a loving and caring foster place please send us a message!! Minnie needs either a house with garden or a ground floor apartment with access to a garden. She can be with a calm dog or a cat, she is simply friendly with everyone💕
We would be very grateful for any help towards her vet bills 💕🐾
Donations can be made to our transparent bank account:
Account No.: 2201832152/2010
IBAN: CZ2920100000002201832152

UPDATE: 10. 8. 2024

Old but gold, never give up hope!!

MINNIE is looking for he forever home or permanent foster!!

Meet Minnie, female, 12 years + old, mixed breed, medium size 15 kg. She is vaccinated, dewormed, castrated, Advocate treated and microchipped.

Minnie’s past is horrible!! She was rescued from a terribly awful shelter in Ukraine, where a woman collected donations and in the same time she abused and let the dogs starve to death.🥺 When the war started and dogs were evacuated Minnie found her way to us. When she arrived Minnie was only skin and bones.😔
After hours of hand feeding and lots of medical attention Minnie is now finally experiencing comfort and quality food. Breakfast and dinner and some yummy treats mean the world to Minnie.🙏❤️
Minnie is an absolutely non-conflict dog. She is ok with other dogs and she is good with cats, she gets along with every animal.❤️ She is a kind and beautiful soul that would not harm a fly.
When it comes to humans Minnie only experienced the worst. She doesn’t know love or cuddles, she ducks as soon as you try to pet her head, but Minnie is getting really excited when you have food for her.🥰
Minnie is house trained but as she is getting older accidents can happen. Minnie is looking for a home with access to a garden and even a tiny garden is enough for her. Minnie doesn’t need much, all she wants is a quiet place, a comfortable bed and food.🤗 Due to years of malnutrition and poor care Minnie’s legs aren’t the best anymore and she can’t go for walks or climb stairs.❤️‍🩹
We are looking for kind people who can give Minnie the first home in her life 🫶 so that she can spend the last months or years of her life in peace and loved.❣️

In case of adoption or foster care Cool Critters will cover all the medical expenses!

If you can imagine being the right match for Minnie, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰