Přijata do azylu: 30.10.2022
Původ: nalezena v Rumunsku
Váha: 9.7 kg
❤ Dingo hledá domov ❤
Podmínky adopce jsou podpis adopční smlouvy a zaplacení adopčního poplatku ve výši 3 900 Kč. Napište nám prosím email na adresu hello@coolcritters.org a vyplňte Adopční formulář, který naleznete zde: https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A . Kvůli momentální situaci Vám nejsme schopni odpovídat na telefonáty. Je nutné si před návštěvou domluvit konkrétní den a čas, kdy dorazíte (domlouvá se po vyplnění adopčního formuláře). Děkujeme za pochopení.
Dingo, fenka, kříženka, 2 a půl roku stará. Je poprvé očkovaná, odčervená, ošetřená pipetou proti vnějším parazitům, kastrovaná a čipovaná. Menší střední velikost, 9.7 kg.
Dingo je úžasná malá princezna. Miluje svého člověka a je velmi přítulná. Dingo dobře chodí na vodítku a vychází se psy v našem útulku, ale zpočátku má tendenci být vůči nim trochu dominantní. Domníváme se, že je kříženka čivavy, to by vysvětlovalo její panovačnost vůči ostatním psům.
Dingo by mohla žít na venkově nebo ve městě. Jsme si jisti, že by se na gauči okamžitě zabydlela. Kdo si Dingo adoptuje, bude mít doma báječného společníka. Dingo miluje lidi a je velmi submisivní. Také dobře poslouchá ❤
Pro Dingo hledáme milující a starostlivou rodinu, která jí dopřeje pozornost, péči a kvalitní stravu. Dejte nám vědět, jestli nechybí právě vám ❤
Entered shelter: 30.10.2022
Origin: found in Romania
Weight: 9.7 kg
DINGO is looking for her forever home!!
Meet Dingo, female, 2 years and 4 months old, mixed breed, small size 9.7 kg. She had her first vaccination, is dewormed, castrated, Advocate treated and microchipped.
Dingo is a wonderful little dog🥰 She loves her human and she is super cuddly. Dingo walks well on the leash and she gets along with the dogs in our sanctuary, but she tends to be a little dominant with them at first. We believe that she is mixed with a Chihuahua, so that would explain the bossiness towards the other dogs😂
Dingo could live on the countryside or in the city. We are sure that she would make herself immediately comfortable on your couch🐾 Whoever adopts Dingo will have a wonderful companion at home. Dingo loves people and is very submissive. She also listens well ❤
If you can imagine being the right match for Dingo, then hurry up and contact us!! ❤🐾🥰
The conditions of adoption are signing an adoption contract, which includes to pay an adoption donation.
Please message us on facebook or send us an email which will highlight your interest and complete an adoption application https://forms.gle/kg855WvLQTwZXPX4A
Happy Tails to Dingo who found her forever home with Stephanie 🐾❤️🐾
Dingo is such a little sweetheart. She is sensitive and gets really attached to people she trusts. Usually she was always very shy when new people visited us, but to our surprise she opened up to Stephanie very quickly. It was so nice to see how Dingo made Stephanie smile. Dingo now has the wonderful task of always being by Stephanie’s side. She became, so to speak, an emotional assistance dog. Although Dingo has always been dominant with other dogs here at our sanctuary, she is now getting along well with the other two dogs in her new home. Her new furry friend Teri and her look even quite alike. Apart from Dingo jumping on the table and still being a bit afraid of walks outside she is doing great in her new home and is very much loved.
Have a wonderful life sweet girl, we love it when dogs find their true purpose❤️