Přijata do azylu: 14.9.2024
Původ: nalezena v obci Jizerní Vtelno
Váha: 844g


Entered shelter: 14.9.2024
Origin: found in Jizerni Vtelno
Weight: 844g

We said no, we are full 😞
But, the poor guy who called us had contacted numerous shelters. All full to the brim. So we made space in our laundry room. There is nowhere else safe to put her 😔
We named her Windy Wendy because of the weather conditions here. She’s only about eight or nine weeks old. She has sore eyes which we are already treating. We couldn’t turn her away.
Last weekend was so hot, over 30C here 🥵 On Monday, Autumn came with a bang and this weekend we have torrential rain and wind with high alert flood warnings.
Give a thought for all the cats and kittens out there. The summer has gone, the abundance of mice will be gone, the people in their cottages will be gone. The lucky ones will survive the coming winter, most will perish.
Visitors and volunteers say how wonderful is that they don’t have stray cats here 😱 It shocks us the amount of times we hear this. Maybe there’s not many strays in Prague but there are millions of stray cats out in the countryside and villages and all the shelters are overflowing. We consider these the lucky ones, who find shelter, a warm bed, full tummies and get medical treatment.
🙏 If you want to do something kind for these kittens, please donate!! 🙏
You can make a donation to our transparent bank account:
Account No.: 2201832152/2010
IBAN: CZ2920100000002201832152