Přijata do azylu: 12.1.2025
Původ: přijata ve skupině jedenácti kočiček ze Stodu, majitelka šla do domova důchodců
Váha: 1.85 kg


Entered shelter: 12.1.2025
Origin: came in a group of eleven from Stod, owner went into a care home
Weight: 1.85 kg

Sharing bad news is something none of us wants to do but, we need to honour a kitten that was rescued and then her little life was taken too soon.
A few weeks ago we took eleven cats from Stod, nine adults and two kittens.
On the twelfth day after their arrival Cecilka stopped eating. We never expected the diagnosis of the dreaded panleukopenia 😭 It shocked us beyond belief, where did it come from? The room the cats were in had never had the virus, we disinfect travel crates and throw away ones that have carried previous cats that had the virus. We suspect it could have been from a vet visit four days earlier, but we will never know for sure 😞
For four days Cecilka fought but she just didn’t have the strength. She didn’t have any immunity that she would have from being vaccinated. She came here with a runny nose and eyes, of course, her immune system was even lower.
We tried so hard to save her but it wasn’t to be. Some fights we can’t win and the pain doesn’t go away. We acted fast and no one else got the virus 🙏
One day this terrible virus will be eradicated but only when humans learn to castrate and vaccinate their cats and bring the needless suffering of kittens to an end 🙏
Rest well sweet kitty 😭 we are sorry we couldn’t help you