ČESKY: Přijat do azylu: 7.8.2023 Původ: nalezen v Mladé Boleslavi Váha: 1 kg ENGLISH: Entered shelter: 7.8.2023 Origin: Found in Mlada Boleslav Weight: 1 kg 22. 8. 2023 We lost our sweet Maximilian last week to the most dreadful of all the cat viruses, Panleukopenia...
ČESKY: Přijat do azylu: 10.6.2023 Původ: nalezen ve vesnici Zamachy Váha: 2.2 kg ENGLISH: Entered shelter: 10.6.2023 Origin: Zamachy Weight: 2.2 kg Today was somewhat of an adventure! We have been trying to trap a sickly cat for the past three weeks and he/she is...
ČESKY: Alyssa Přijata do azylu: 2.4.2022 Původ: nalezena na poli v Mladé Boleslavi Váha: 3.2 kg ENGLISH: Alyssa Entered shelter: 2.4.2022 Origin: found on a field in Mlada Boleslav Weight: 3.2 kg Last week was hard on our hearts. We sadly lost two of our kitties 💔...
ČESKY: Přijata do azylu: 3. 2. 2023 Původ: přijata od majitele Váha: kg ENGLISH: Entered shelter: 3. 2. 2023 Origin: owner surrender Weight: kg 4. 9. 2023 Where is she? Marshmallow (white and ginger) and Bler (fluffy floof) are in foster care with Peter and Barbara....