ČESKY: Tina Přijata do azylu: 30.7.2022 Původ: nalezena v Rumunsku Váha: 7.5 kg Tina trpí epilepsií, její záchvaty jsou časté a velmi vážné, snaha stabilizovat ji pomocí léků zatím není příliš úspěšná. Tina se nachází v dlouhodobé dočasné péči, kde mají zkušenosti s...
Happy Tails to Leon, now Cashew, who found his forever home with Ondřej🐾❤️🐾 When Leon came to us he was really poorly, he was very skinny and he had a terrible cough. We weren´t sure if everything is ok with this little guy, but the vet assured us that Leon will be...
Happy Tails to Lola who found her forever home with Helena and her family🐾❤️🐾 Lola was in the second big group of dogs that were rescued shortly after the war started. She shared her kennel with Freda, Brownie and Cora. So far only Freda was one of the lucky ones that...